3D Bone Retrieval and Scaffold Modeling

funded by U.S. Navy Department of the On Demand Custom Body Implants and Prostheses

Developed software that allows designing bone, bone scaffolds, and change mechanical characteristics, such as scaffold porosity, density and material. 3D Graphical User Interface of the software allows user to model the scaffold and view how scaffold changes affect on the bone. Introduced approach of designing human limb prostheses, based on healthy instance of the other limb by mirror reconstruction. Software is currently used by the members of university research group.

Created a database of more than 100 bones of various sizes using 3ds Max, and building new objects based on those in database


The database of testing objects



Building new 3D objects (colored red) based on objects in database (colored blue)

For creating new objects as shown above we are using the mirror symmetry of the objects in database. We can also create more objects by intersecting objects with 3D box. Developed feature-based reconstruction algorithm for retrieving missing sections of bones based on local symmetries of the 3D object. User needs to specify a symmetric part of object which contains the area of damage (by intersecting it with box). On figure 5 below, we first intersect the object with 3D box for creating new object of symmetric form, and then run the feature-based reconstruction algorithm.



Building and reconstructing finger bone. (a) Intersection of 3D box and right hand.
(b) Created new bone of damaged area. (c) Reconstruction algorithm result.

I also introduced software attribute that allows viewing the density of points and their distribution in 3D models. For any input model both the vertex mapping and edges mapping are provided.



Vertex density analyses

Then provided possibility of outlining position of bone scaffold and producing it after matching the damaged bone with its original condition.


Scaffold generation